Tuesday, 16 June 2015

What's On My IPhone 5s | IndiaJasmine

As I've been doing lots of beauty themed posts recently, I decided to break it up with a what's on my iPhone post!
I'll be showing you my different apps that I have and also how I store them in certain folders and things like that.
Anyway, lets get started!
When on you turn on my phone it comes up with the standard time , date, battery, camera, etc. My background is a photo of Brad Simpson from The Vamps. :)

Next, once you have unlocked my phone with the passcode or finger print, you come to the first home screen.
It just consists of the automatically added apps that come with your phone. It range from obvious things like settings and photos to FaceTime, maps and the app store.
At the bottom of my screen, I keep the apps messages, safari and phone.
These aren't necessarily the apps that I use most, but they are the ones that when I need them, I want to be able to access them quickly.

If you slide along to my next homepage then I have all my personally downloaded apps.
Some of these are in categorised folders but there are a few that aren't.
The ones that aren't in folders are things like YouTube, Dubsmash, Blogger, Spotify and eBay.
I basically have them here as they don't fit with the grouping of my folders.
My first folder is called Social and it has the cute whale emoji next to it!
This folder, obviously, contains all my social media type apps. This is things like Kik, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

My next folder is Editing, again with the little whale.
This contains apps that I edit my blog and instagram photos with. These are things such as photogrid and whitagram, which are the ones that I use the most.
If you would like a How I Edit My Instgram Photos post then comment below and tell me!

Games is my next folder and again here comes the little whale haha.
It just contains a few apps that I play when I'm really bored, although I don't use them very often. It's just things like Jelly Jump and AA.
My last folder is just called Stuff and basically it holds any random apps that didn't fit onto the first page on my home screen. It has things like emoji, tips and podcasts, however this folder is pretty much just to store things rather then a place for me to find them.
I hope that you enjoyed this quick blog post and I'm sorry for not posting last Tuesday but I have been soo sooo soooo busy with exams! Now I'm done, I will be posting more frequently.
However, this week I am away until Saturday and therefore will post when I get back!
India Jasmine

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