Thursday, 10 September 2015

How I Cleared Up My Skin | IndiaJasmine

Water, skincare and exfoliating are just a few of the words everyone always seems to be talking about. Finally, I decided to knuckle down and get my skin looking better and healthier.
A months ago, the thought of going to the shops without makeup on would quite honestly terrify me. But now that's changed and so has my skin.
Stripping back to basics is always a good idea in terms of caring for your skin. Drinking huge amounts of water, exercising and having a good diet are the obvious ones but its always helpful to have a great skincare routine in place.
Today skincare regime is actually quite astonishing. There are so many products fit to benefit each persons skin type and demands. You can go out and easily spend hundreds of pounds on skincare (not even exaggerating). But if you look close enough, you can find great drugstore alternative. It just takes patience and a good eye!
I used the Dermalogica Dermal Clay Cleanser for about two months or so, along with the Dermalogica Oil Balancing Lotion. This combination cleared up my acne prone skin in a blast.
I still obviously had quite a few spots but no where near as much as before. Also, I had lots of scars and redness from past problems.
However, the lotion did really help with my oily skin and now it is no where near as oil prone as before!

This skincare regime is obviously quite expensive to keep up, so I went on the hunt for a drugstore version.
Soon I found that the Clean and Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion was the product that gave me the closest results to what the Dermalogica range did.
I kept my skin 'clear and clear' as you would obviously expect :)

I also found that the Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturiser helped to stop any excess oils and it also helped to get rid of any scars from past spots.

- Just a quick tip. If you have oily skin, don't think that you shouldn't moisturise! I did this for a while a long time ago and it turned out horribly wrong. Your skin actually ends up producing more oil because you haven't moisturised, which gives your skin the moisture and nourishment that it needs. Therefore, your skin tries to produce the moisture itself, ending up producing to much.
At this point my skin was looking okay. I still had quite a few spots but things were a hundred times better!
Then it was the end of the summer holidays and off to Spain I went.
I didn't wear any makeup in the day time and at night I wore a little concealer, powder, eye makeup, eyebrows and lipstick. Therefore, it wasn't heavy on my skin at all!
When I landed back in England I actually realised how much better my skin looked.
I had no spots and hardly any scars or redness!
Solidly, I kept with my skincare routine, making sure to exfoliate once a week with the Simple Exfoliating Scrub.

This brings me up to now!
I obviously still get a few spots here and there, a few scars and a bit of redness around my nose but that's common right!
Give yourself a round of applause if you've read until the end and make sure to leave a comment below of any tips you have or skincare products that you love!
Products mentioned:

India Jasmine 

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