Thursday 3 September 2015

September Update 2015 | IndiaJasmine

This is just going to be a quick update post about my blog and instagram account.(@indiajasmineblog)
As you will probably know, it's the end of the summer holidays so I'm obviously going back to school. That was today as a matter of fact.
This means that I'm not going to have as much time to write blog posts and take photos for them and obviously instagram.
I'm going to still try to upload daily photos on instagram but they might not all my related to beauty. Also, I want to change up my theme on instagram as I feel like it's a bit boring and repetitive.
I would like it to consist of a wider range of photos, that aren't all exactly the same but still have the same sort of vibe/tone.
If you have any suggestions then please leave them below!
Back to my blog, in going to start a new schedule of posting twice a week on Tuesdays, like before, but also Thursdays.
 Also, I want to incorporate more fashion posts into my blog. I obviously want to carry on with beauty and makeup, just not as much as last month for example!
I hope you all understand and also be sure to comment any instagram ideas down below or blog posts that you would like to see in the future :)

India Jasmine 

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